Riverside Youth
A place for young people
Riverside Youth is led by Josh and Chloe Richardson who are passionate about seeing young people learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus. They have an amazing team around them to help. All are DBS checked and are kept up to date on Safeguarding training. Why not check out some of the activities Riverside Youth run...
Encounter Sunday
Every Sunday, during the main service, come along to learn about the preacher's topic in a new and interesting way.
Encounter Monthly
Every month as a group, we aim to do a different activity. Once a term we attend the Gathering as a group, a city-wide youth event with over 250 other young people.
In between these, we have socials like trampolining, bowling, scavenger hunts or simply just a games night! Along with attending SPREE in June.
Friday Night Youth
Riverside Church | 7:30-9:00 pm
Every Friday night in term time
£1 entry fee and tuck shop open!
Every FNY has a different theme with games and activities tailored around it. With a pool table, ping-pong, table football, card games, games consoles or just good old football, there is something for everyone. Bring your friends along for a great evening - the first week is FREE!